Sunday, November 18, 2012

Don't Let The Noise Of The World Keep You From Hearing The Voice Of The Lord

Today I went to church for the first time in a long time. I felt nervous before going, mainly because I had not been in such a long time. As I sat in the pew waiting for mass to start, however, I realized that I was right where I needed to be. I felt happy. I felt satisfied. I felt whole.

I lost my way for awhile and I allowed my own excuses to blind me from my faith. Over the past year I discovered things that I did not like in my church and I let those outweigh the things that I do like. I let politics and worldview's shake me.

What I love about my faith is that my God is forgiving. I don't feel judged or shunned like I thought I would. Instead, I feel as though I was given a second chance - and to rejoice in that. The traditions that are instilled in my church - like mass on Sundays, the advent season, receiving communion, and the smell of incense on holy days - are all things that make me feel connected to the presence of something greater. I love that.

I realized today that my faith had been shaken for the past year. I lost my way from the path that I set out on, but I was lead right back to my roots, morals, and beliefs. I am a firm believer that God has a plan for everyone. With that being said, I think that my struggle has ultimately made me a better person. And I feel like I am now exactly where I am supposed to be. 

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