Monday, November 19, 2012

DIY All-Natural Detox Drink

This past weekend I came across a bunch of information on all-natural detoxes. I love to eat healthy and I am mildly obsessed with learning new ways to improve my health as well - so of course I jumped right on this! We are constantly (consciously and unconsciously) putting bad toxins into our body. We do this by eating processed food, drinking alcoholic drinks, and even just breathing the air in our environment. Every once in awhile we need to flush that stuff out of our bodies. This drink - along with a healthy diet and good exercise - can do just that. 

I must warn you... if you don't like the taste lemon, then you probably won't like this beverage. I, however, love lemon. After one glass of this, I felt energized and wide awake. I was excited about this new invention that I tweaked myself so I thought that I would share it with you all. 

I began with these four ingredients and you can find them all at your local grocery store (I found these at Wal-Mart).

1/2 c. Diet Sugar Free Cranberry Juice, 2 whole lemons, 8 bags of TAZO Zen green tea, 10-12 mint leaves, and 64 oz. of water
I first began by boiling the water in a saucepan. While I was waiting for the water to come to a boil I started slicing the lemons and removing all of the seeds. I poured the sugar free cranberry juice in the pitcher and I squeezed 1 whole lemon in with it. I kept the slices in the pitcher for looks. You can throw them away if you so choose.

At this point the water was just coming to a soft boil. I squeezed the rest of the lemon juice into the water and added the mint leaves.

Next, I added the tea.

I removed the tea bags, poured the tea mixture into the sugar free cranberry juice, and voila!

I drank mine over ice, but it is also delicious served hot and in a mug!

You have a delicious, calorie free, all-natural, energizing detox drink! You are supposed to drink 64 oz. of this a day- for three days-, along with an all-natural diet (much like the PRISM-Phase 1), and a mixture of cardio (run/walk) and stretching (yoga) for best results. You cleanse yourself of the bad toxins in your body and shed a few pounds while doing it!

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